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Eswatini Schools Regionals 2024 Girls

Seinast dagført24.05.2024 15:19:36, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

Search for team Leita

Endalig støða eftir 5 umfør

Rk.BNr.LiðTal  +   =   -  TB1  TB2 
14Mhlatane High541015,59
27ST Theresa A5230137
38ST Theresa B5311127
42Hillside High50419,54
59Swazi National High410374
61Emthonjeni High41126,55
76ST Michaels High411265
83Lozitha High41125,55
95Mpofu High410354

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)