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Kings Knight Prep and Primary Grade Chess Rapids Grade 1

Senast uppdaterad24.05.2024 22:07:44, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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1Baugh, JoshuaJAM0
2Brown, AidenJAM0
3Campbell, ShemariJAM0
4Delahaye, DanielleJAM0
5Douglas, ShaqiriJAM0
6Forbes, BrianJAM0
7Goldbourne, ShanoriJAM0
8Gordon, AaronJAM0
9Henry, DamariJAM0
10Henry, O'DeijaJAM0
11Howell, ZowieJAM0
12McLean, AriaJAM0
13McLeod, GabriellaJAM0
14Price, DesiraeJAM0
15Speid, HunterJAM0
16Thompson, AustinJAM0
17Tyndale, JoshuaJAM0
18Wilson-Henry, MaliaJAM0