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Eliminatoria Regional DIGEF 2024 - Juvenil Masculina

Last update 24.05.2024 03:36:15, Creator: OTTO MYSLIVEC (Schachklub Baden),Last Upload: ajedrezguate

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Starting rank

1CMAragon Trujillo, Ricardo M.7303033GUA2004
2Linares Orellana, Hector Jose7304307GUA1899
3Carballo Lemus, Victor G.7303890GUA1820
4Gutierrez Choguaj, Josue Emanuel7306016GUA1757
5Soberanis Morales, Fernando Isaac7307390GUA1537
6Aroche Cobos, Manuel Alejandro7307632GUA1603
7Cabrera Vicente, EstebanGUA1495
8Velasquez Milian, Daniel Alejandro7307730GUA1374
9Aroche Cobos, Cristhian Alberto7307756GUA1338
10Cordero, ChristopherGUA0
11Cruz Mestizo, RicardoGUA0
12Cuc Morales, JoseGUA0
13Escalante Rivas, EstevenGUA0
14Estrada Pérez, AngelGUA0
15Gomez Quiñonez, CedrickGUA0
16Gonzalez Estrada, DerekGUA0
17Molina Mejia, HectorGUA0
18Ordoñez Ramirez, DymerGUA0
19Perez Mozcoso, DiegoGUA0
20Pinzon Balan, Jose Jeyk7307616GUA0
21Rodas Peña, JoshineyGUA0
22Solano Molina, AllanGUA0
23Vasquez Samayoa, HamiltonGUA0
24Vásquez Tobar, DerekGUA0