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EJ Clarke, West Wales Chess League, Closed Championship

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.05.2024 20:33:40, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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1Hewitt, William2060
2Philpin, Les1552
3Daniel, Chris1557
4Musson, Adam2043
5Gibbons, Andrew1939
6Probert, Malcolm1510
7Archibald, Mckenzie1475
8Bevan, Peter M1900
9Williams, Duncan1850
10Prabhu, Vismith1388
11Beeston, Darson1391
12Sipho, Donovan1701
13Potier, Julien1600
14Smith, Andrew1693
15Llywelyn, Guto1374
16Vincent, Leon1000
17Francis, William923
18Nasir, Farouq1345
19Tee, Eugene1127
20Francis, Emyr-Wyn908
21Gorman, Claire1158
22Heatman, Jordan1328
23Battell, David1234
24Hill, Glyn1057
25Attrill, Daniel850
26Goodchild, Tony1208
27Davies, Aaron1180
28Francis, Tomos850
29Giannini, John850
30Taylor, Bobby850
31Nasir, Sulaiman1218
32Thomas, Jonathan1771