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Last update 22.05.2024 05:16:31, Creator/Last Upload: PAULO CESAR VIEIRA

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Starting rank

1De Moura, Fabio BianchiBRA1925Serra
2Do Bomfim, Hudson SoaresBRA1924Serra
3Torresani, Eduardo De MoraesBRA1891Serra
4Vieira, Paulo CesarBRA1884Serra
5Gomes, Gabryelle PiresBRA1820Serra
6Negrini, Pedro Henrique VazBRA1795
7Matias, ThelesBRA1774
8Barbosa, Henrique LovattiBRA1762Cariacica
9Rosas, Rodrigo RosenfeldBRA1711
10De Moura, Roberto BianchiBRA1652Serra
11De Oliveira, Alberty RogherBRA1500
12De Oliveira, ClecioBRA1500
13Coutinho, Asafe David Vitorino SilverioBRA1450
14Bispo, Pedro Gabriel NeppiBRA1400
15Clems, Carlos Andre TeixeiraBRA1400
16Da Silva, Guilherme Algusto TeixeiraBRA1400
17De Oliveira, Andre de Souza AlvesBRA1400
18Gomes, Yuri Gabriel PiresBRA1400
19Maciente, Davi Filipe SilvaBRA1400
20Seabra, Arthur Dos SantosBRA1400Vitoria
21Silva, Felipe GomesBRA1400
22Yllanes, Alejandro de Oliveira HernaniBRA1400
23Ferreira, GabrielBRA0