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[CMC] Chess Teams Tournament @Paradigm Mall PJ 2024 - U12DuoTeam

Last update 28.07.2024 03:56:19, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGroupGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
112Rook 'n' Roll660018011,5
26SKTTDI 1 Titans650115010
313SUBA Warrior 1642014010
515AA SiblingsSGR64111308,5
723KC1 Dragon Knights63301208,5
817Royal Knights64021208,5
914Killer whaleSGR64021208
1018The Queens of CBN 1GRL64021207,5
1111Gambit BrothersSGR63211108
122SEJATI StrikersSGR63211108
1331Chess warrior63211107,5
1524The King's Indian63121007,5
1619Yoon BrothersSGR63121007
175PC2 Girls TeamGRL/SGR63121007
1825Siraj AIA Pair 163121007
1944MAS AvengersSGR63121006,5
2041Double E63121006,5
214Foong SistersGRL6231907
2220PC2 Girls Team BGRL/SGR6231907
2348Siraj AIA Pair 36231907
247Puteri GambitGRL/SGR6231907
58SUBA Warrior 26231907
2722Super GirlsGRL/SGR6231907
3032Castle CrashersSGR6303906,5
3133Brainbox DuoSGR6303906,5
3221Dynamic DuoSGR6303906
3340Double A6303906
3461THC JuniorGRL/SGR6222806,5
358PC2 BoyzSGR6222806
3646Ray AriffSGR6141706,5
371Fish & ChipsSGR6213705,5
3810KC1 QueensGRL6213705
3935Brainbox BestfriendSGR6213705
4034Area RaySGR6213705
51Siraj AIA Pair 6GRL6213705
62Two KnightsSGR6213705
4329Double EliteSGR6213704,5
4450Siraj AIA Pair 56213704,5
4527JEPS GegirlGRL/SGR6132605,5
4616Chess Cubs6132605
4726Tom & Jerry6132605
4859SUBA Warrior 36204604
4945Pin Hwa Team1SGR6204604
49Siraj AIA Pair 46204604
5147Siraj AIA Pair 26123504
52SRITIKR Pair 1SGR6123504
5339Darul Ansar teamGRL6123504
5457SRITIKR Pair 6GRL/SGR6123504
5553SRITIKR Pair 2GRL/SGR6123504
5628The GambitsGRL/SGR6042404,5
5760Tawori Fighters6042404
5936BRO TeamSGR6042404
6042Gene of GeniusSGR6114403
6154SRITIKR Pair 3SGR6114403
56SRITIKR Pair 5SGR6114403
6355SRITIKR Pair 4SGR6024202
6464Warigh Warrior6006000

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (3 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: points (game-points)