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Region 2 Individual Femenil LXVI Evento Prenacional Deportivo del Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico 2024

Last update 22.05.2024 20:17:36, Creator/Last Upload: David Encinas Varela

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Starting rank

1Baca Murillo, IdalyMEX0Chihuahua
2Carrera Morales, Priscila Michel29650895MEX0Durango
3Cobos Cienfuegos, AndreaMEX0Cuauhtemoc
4Duran Hernandez, Adriana GenovevaMEX0Cuauhtemoc
5Garcia Ponce, ArelyMEX0Parral
6Irigoyen Caro, Ana IsabellaMEX0Chihuahua
7Martinez Alcala, Hananeel Paola29645352MEX0Durango
8Valles Ponce, Fortina LudivethMEX0Parral