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اخر تحديث10.06.2024 05:12:51, منشئ/آخر رفع: PERSATUAN CATUR NEGERI PERAK

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم تعارفاتحادتقييم محلينادي/مدينة
1Farihah, Nur Aisyah Binti Mohd Azman220400106MAS1422Best U18
2Saffiah, Maisarah Binti Mohd Fadzli220400007MAS1283Best U18
3Hashsya, Nawwaarah Binti Mohd Faris220500258MAS1275Best U18
4Anusrii, A/P Ramesh230400020MAS1256Best 15
5Anukrahaa, A/P Ramesh230400021MAS1178Best 15
6Sue, Anne Tan221200020MAS1175Best 15
7*Rucittra, A/P Mahadevan240100123MAS1165Disabled Chess Players (Oku) P
8Souniyah, Joe A/P Joseph Leo220500213MAS1157Best U18
9Aniitra, Joe A/P Joseph Leo220500212MAS1115U21 Girl
10Hoviyeamathy, A/P Thamil Selvan230200022MAS1053Best 15
11Fatimah, Az Zahra Binti Muhammad Nasrud230100177MAS1047Best U12
12*Fatin, Syakira Binti Mohd Faizal0MAS0Disabled Chess Players (Oku) P
13*Leng, Xin Yi0MAS0Disabled Chess Players (Oku) P
14*Siti, Noor Zulaikha Binti Ahmed Fuzi0MAS0Disabled Chess Players (Oku) P
15Akshaya, A/P Prasath0MAS0Best U12
16Alya, Irdina Binti Abdul Jalal0MAS0Best U12
17Alya, Irdina Binti Adam0MAS0Best 15
18Ang, Yu Xin0MAS0U21 Girl
19Arissa, Husna Binti Abdul Jalal0MAS0Best U12
20Christeen, Stephen Kalayemani0MAS0Best U12
21Deepika, Sri A/P Maganathan0MAS0Best U12
22Dina, Qasdina Bt Md Akhbar@ahmad Put0MAS0Best U12
23Githalosshini, A/P Saravanan0MAS0Best 15
24Intan, Nur Jelita Binti Sahari0MAS0Best 15
25Jayatheeshwari, Kannan240500090MAS0Best 15
26Keersheni, A/P Jeevagan0MAS0Best 15
27Keerthi, A/P Saravanan0MAS0Best 15
28Latifah, Safiah Binti Mohd Latib240400149MAS0Best 18
29Magarradharshini, A/P Aravinthen240500295MAS0Best 18
30Nesakumari, A/P Victor0MAS0Best 15
31Nesamalar, A/P Victor0MAS0
32Nesarani, A/P Victor0MAS0Best 18
33Norlaila Ashikin Zaki Binti Abdu,230400021MAS0Best 15
34Nur, Alisha Balqis Binti Mohd Farzi230700086MAS0Best 15
35Nur, Farzanah Binti Mohd Shah Rizal0MAS0Best 15
36Nur, Syana Yaslin Binti Zakri0MAS0Best 15
37Nur, Syaza Yasmin Binti Zakri0MAS0Best 18
38Nuraisya, Umairah Binti Mohd Shaiful Riz0MAS0Best 15
39Nurfazsha, Ellayana Binti Sharizal0MAS0Best 18
40Nurul, Iffah Aqilah Bt Azlan0MAS0Best 18
42Piraavienaa, A/P Kathiresan0MAS0Best 15
43Ponmolly, A/P Aravinthen240500298MAS0Best U12
44Prasanthini, A/P Prasath0MAS0Best U12
45Punithamalar, A/P Rajashekar0MAS0Best U12
46Puteri, Farah Nur Damia Binti Ahmad Fa0MAS0Best 18
47Rabbiatul, Adhawiyah Binti Rasid0MAS0Best 18
49Sivaani, Sri A/P Ramesh0MAS0Best U12
50Swaroophaa, A/P Mogana Rajan240200071MAS0Best U12
51Tamillini, Kumaran0MAS0Best 15
52Tamilselvi, A/P Aravinthen240500296MAS0Best 18
53Wong, Yean Ee230400043MAS0Best 18
54Yuvaa, Sri A/P Sivaraja0MAS0Best U12