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Torneio de Xadrez do Shopping Parangaba - SUB 12 e SUB 14 Վերջին արդիացում16.06.2024 00:07:28, Creator/Last Upload: AEEC
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | ID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | | Aragão, Arthur Gonçalves | 608874 | BRA | 1858 |
2 | | | Peixoto, Lucas Levi Rocha | 609663 | BRA | 1843 |
3 | | | Correia, Samuel Vinicius Silvestre | 609695 | BRA | 1816 |
4 | | | Alves, Carlos Henrique Costa | 609690 | BRA | 1815 |
5 | | | Matos, Giovanni Mota | 610715 | BRA | 1800 |
6 | | | Villa, Joao Gustavo Barros | 610629 | BRA | 1800 |
7 | | | Lemos, Miguel Felipe Gama | 610271 | BRA | 1800 |
8 | | | De Souza, Pedro Henrique Lima | 610272 | BRA | 1800 |
9 | | | De Lima, Werberson Samuel Gomes | 610274 | BRA | 1800 |
10 | | | De Lima, Yuri Crysthian Silva | 609684 | BRA | 1800 |
11 | | | De Sousa, João Ravy Silva | 609743 | BRA | 1786 |
12 | | | Vinci Guimarães, Flora Dagmar | 609745 | BRA | 1785 |
13 | | | Serafini, Sofia Viana | 609724 | BRA | 1780 |
14 | | | Vinci, Sebastiano | 609747 | BRA | 1755 |