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Beginnerstoernooi 2024 - Stap 2

Last update 20.05.2024 01:20:29, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Starting rank list

1Amritpersad, AryanSUR0
2Boejhawan, SharishSUR0
3Boejhawan, ShayeshSUR0
4Bridjlal, AyushSUR0
5Chandansingh, DilshanSUR0
6Chen, EricSUR0
7Emanuel, JaymiëlSUR0
8Fong, RamiroSUR0
9Jainath, ShivamSUR0
10Jainath, ShiveshSUR0
11Kalpoe, Alexander8205892SUR0
12Kasanradji, DeanSUR0
13Kerk, DaniëlSUR0
14Ketele, LucasSUR0
15Li, BrendanSUR0
16Li, ClaytonSUR0
17Middellijn, OmarSUR0
18Modiwirijo, KeshawnSUR0
19Pansa, RomelviejaSUR0
20Pawirodikromo, DaenerysSUR0
21Ramdutt, TahjSUR0
22Ramesar, HavishaSUR0
23Ramsaran, VeerSUR0
24Setroredjo, ShaeSUR0
25Tse, JaysonSUR0
26Watson, EdenSUR0
27Wu, SelenaSUR0