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Copa Kilimanjaro - SECUNDARIA

Last update 19.05.2024 20:48:17, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy

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Starting rank

1Muniz, Gonzalez Angel Gerardo1844Be Smart
2Flores, Moreno Jose Patricio1662Harmony School
3Mendoza, Illades Jose Luis1642Peón Al Paso
4Vilchez, Navejar Felix1631Liceo De Monterrey
5Dimas, Lozano Diego Matias1613Instituto Bilingüe La Silla
6Zermeno, Pereyra Josue1609Colegio Cambridge De Monterrey
7Cantu, Garza Angel Alfredo1608Vivir
8Margain, Benavides Miguel1583Himalaya
9Castillo, Gonzalez Azul Getsemani1557Maranatha
10Garza, Valdez Armando1557Secundaria # 1 Capitan Alonso
11Dominguez, Sanchez Juan Daniel1553Secundaria # 1 Capitan Alonso
12Alejandro, Betancourt Hector Adrian0Centro De Alto Rendimiento (Ca
13Garcia, Mondragon Samuel0Ienu
14Robledo, Colmenero Mateo Armando0Secundaria # 1 Capitán Alonso
15Rodriguez, Regalado Jonathan Alberto0Secundaria # 1 Capitan Alonso
16Rojas, Reza Yaretzi0Irish International School Nue