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I FAX FIDE de Xadrez STD 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 29.07.2024 05:32:06, Creator/Last Upload:

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Štartová listina

1CMDe Oliveira, Victor Gabriel C.2137798BRA21752253
2FMSouza Neves, Andrey M.2101815BRA21422203
3NMLira, Suan Bruno Fernandes22794620BRA20552092
4NMFarias, Igor Borge Cardoso2133164BRA20182134
5NMNaief Moreira, Cleber2179261BRA19942033
6NMMesquita, Eduardo Barbosa22757163BRA19582100
7CMGutierrez, Enrique Alberto Soto2137755BRA19191986
8AFMBezerra, Fabiano de Oliveira2148390BRA19001994
9Andrade, Artur Diego De Souza2137844BRA18361790
10NMOrdozgoite, Gabriel Bento44701489BRA17951907
11NMFarias, Sergio Luiz Cardoso2110148BRA16941745
12Araujo, Sophia Rodrigues44755490BRA15201731