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Torneo Grand Outlet Riviera y Club Ajedrez CancĂșn Sub16

Last update 18.05.2024 23:00:48, Creator/Last Upload: Alberto Blanco Mier y Teran

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Starting rank

1Garcia Noriega, Diego Paolo5185556MEX1745Quintana Roo
2Marin Garrido, Carolina5154197MEX1745Quintana Roo
3Blanco, Chacon ChristianMEX1617Quintana Roo
4Martin, Del Campo Cuellar JesusMEX1580Quintana Roo
5Bebikov, NikitaMEX0
6Camacho Rivera, Derek EmilianoMEX0
7Cauich Balam, Catherine AlejandraMEX0
8Rodriguez, AlexanderMEX0
9Sanchez Gonzalez, Leonardo IsrraelMEX0
10Santos Cordova, AlexanderMEX0
11Zimbron Santiz, Andrik UrielMEX0