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Abierto de Guadalupe 2014-2015 VARONIL

Last update 18.05.2024 02:24:09, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy

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1De, Hoyos Aceves Jesus Manuel1581Liceo De Monterrey Blueridge
2Gomez, Lopez Ruben Adir0Instituto San Diego
3Hernandez, Rodriguez Juan Pablo0Cedereg
4Magana, Guajardo Erick Zadkiel0Instituto San Diego
5Martinez, Alanis Guillermo0Profr. Joaquin Chavez Cavazos
6Moreno, Mendez Ethan Miguel0Prim. Profra. Josefa De La Gar
7Perez, Banda Cesar Emanuel0Alfonso TreviƱo
8Piedra, Castillo Johan Alexis0Cedereg
9Zeni, Olivares Emilio0Leonardo Davinci