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Eswatini National Junior Chess Championship 2024 U10

Senast uppdaterad18.05.2024 18:09:29, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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1Chimanikire, JosephSWZ0
2Chimanikire, ZamarSWZ0
3Chisiri, TinotendaSWZ0
4Dlamini, AneleSWZ0
5Dlamini, AphiweSWZ0
6Dlamini, DalingceboSWZ0
7Dlamini, KnowledgeSWZ0
8Dlamini, LesihleSWZ0
9Khanyile, LuhleloSWZ0
10Khumalo, SiphosenkosiSWZ0
11Kuhlase, NamisaSWZ0
12Kunene, NqobaSWZ0
13Mashaba, SibongakonkheSWZ0
14Matsebula, Yandzisa_OkuhleSWZ0
15Motsa, UseminathiSWZ0
16Fakudze, SantiagoSWZ0
17Okere, DestinySWZ0
18Perera, AkeesaSWZ0