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Campeonato Nacional de Categorías Menores 2024 Sub-18

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.05.2024 00:47:35, Creator/Last Upload: fespinoza

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1Vanegas Lopez, Natanael Emanuel6108326NCA1940
2Munoz Cortez, Anahi Alexandra6109527NCA1648
3Munoz Cortez, Jonathan Eduardo6109535NCA1672
4Jimenez Lira, Julio Cesar6110061NCA1778
5Colomer Fonseca, Eric Gabriel6112137NCA1750
6Hernandez Tellez, Jose Abraham6109845NCA1713
7Rodriguez Gonzalez, Meyling Vanesa6112641NCA1566
8Centeno Prieto, Alexander Rafael6109365NCA1613
9Serrano Herrera, Daniela De Andrea6107168NCA1534
10Pena Baltodano, Yaddolly6111599NCA1498
11Acevedo, Georgina VictoriaNCA0
12Acevedo Buitrago, Juan Carlos6113010NCA0
13Alfaro Sanchez, Carlos Eduardo6112374NCA1573
14Blanco Zapata, Kendry Johandry6113265NCA0
15Flores Medina, Jordy AntonioNCA0
16Cantero Turcios, Randy Jose6108792NCA1715