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Campeonato Nacional de Categorías Menores 2024 Sub-16

Last update 20.05.2024 00:31:32, Creator/Last Upload: fespinoza

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Starting rank

1Arauz Espinoza, Douglas Ariel6110410NCA1808
2Valle Alonso, Moises Abraham6109560NCA1779
3Espinoza Guerrero, Felix Alberto6104762NCA1748
4Bojorge Plata, Edwin Ramses6112854NCA1668
5CMCabezas Calero, Abigail Carolina6105971NCA1650
6Monje Ocampo, Francisco Emanuel6110290NCA1642
7Aleman Martinez, Verania Monserrat6109420NCA1512
8Pineda Sobalvarro, Razziella6109039NCA1512
9Acevedo, Jorge LuisNCA0
10Cruz Gavarrete, Silvio MartinNCA0
11Diaz Martinez, Styner David6110266NCA1528
12Espinoza Barrios, Marelys Cristina6112790NCA1578
13Hernandez Tellez, RosaNCA0
14Lainez Murillo, Maveth Joshua6113176NCA0
15Luna Tapia, Anthony Josue6112684NCA1423
16Moya Guadamuz, ClaudiaNCA0
17Soza Funez, Abigail EsmeraldaNCA0
18Tercero, AndyNCA0