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2024 CB Gilkes Open

Last update 17.05.2024 06:18:49, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank

1WCMWilson, Hannah11104600BAR1844
2CMParsons, Justin11101792BAR1808
3Herbert, Allan11100206BAR1659
4Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR1639
5WCMReifer-Belle, Chanon11105186BAR1637
6Clarke, Noah11106654BAR1632
7Jaikaran, Aaron11105798BAR1591
8Reifer-Belle, Chaz11105291BAR1483
9Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR1480
10King, Ernest11106050BAR1457
11Little, Savion11106883BAR0
12Yeung-Chou, Joseph11105275BAR0