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1° Torneo Súper Blitz Categoria Libre

Last update 18.05.2024 22:27:42, Creator/Last Upload: O.A. Matú Álvarez Edwin Damián

Starting rank list of players

6Velazquez Monsrreal, Julio MauricioMEX2068
1Sandy Rodriguez, Juan PabloMEX1866
7Palacios Cetz, Carlos ManuelMEX1601
4Canul Kantun, EverMEX0
3Collí Kumul, Saúl IsmaelMEX0
8Medina Baeza, Yongsu RenanMEX0
9Ochoa Quintanilla, Curtis ArnoldMEX0
10Pacheco Briceño, Kristopher AdrianMEX0
11Perez Talavera, Alejandro de JesusMEX0
2Souza Castillo, Diego IgnacioMEX0
5Torres Cabrera, SaudielMEX0