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North 2024 Championship

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony31.05.2024 21:36:20, Creator/Last Upload: Lebanese Chess Federation

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1Ibrahim, Issam5312850LBN1704
2Assoum, Nour5306710LBN1681
3Mouawad, Anthony5312710LBN1621
4Fares, Hussein5320453LBN1611
5Hassoun, Mohamad5316880LBN1478
6Mouawad, Sergio5315476LBN1416
7Al Dahab, Khaled5323282LBN0
8Al jundi, KarimLBN0
9Alam El Dine, ZakariaLBN0
10Bakhach, HassanLBN0
11Dernaika, Omar5324955LBN0
12EL Bayat, Ismail5316839LBN0
13El Samrout, MajdLBN0
14Fadlalah, JadLBN0
15Hassoun, Rama5325056LBN0
16Hawshar, Mohamad5325064LBN0
17Ibrahim, Adonis5325510LBN0
18Kass, Abdallah5321700LBN0
19Saleh, Karim5325234LBN0
20Sharif, Nour5314658LBN0
21Zaydan, SamerLBN0