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Belarus National clubs and teams championship "Memorial of V.D.Kupreichik" "Memorial of V.D.Kupreichik"

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op22.05.2024 12:00:27, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

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Eindstand na 7 ronden

Rk.SNoTeamPartijen  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Гомель ChessRegion76101333,50
23Шестой регион751111270
32Слон СДЮШОР74129260
45РЦОП "Ника и Ко"74129240
69Семь пядей6303820,50
910РЦОП "Перспектива"6213716,50
106Бананы МОСДЮШОР73046250
1112Веселые ребята61054170
1213Гроза гроссмейстеров СДЮШОР6105416,50

Wtg1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Wtg2: points (normal points + points from the qualifying rounds)
Wtg3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints