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Eswatini Chess National Championships 2024 U18

Վերջին արդիացում19.05.2024 13:39:52, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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1Buthelezi, NolwaziSWZ0
2Dlamini, LindaniSWZ0
3Dlamini, LusitoSWZ0
4Dlamini, NjabuloSWZ0
5Mamba, LihleSWZ0
6Mathebula, SnethembaSWZ0
7Mbhatha, MtsetseleliSWZ0
8Mhlanga, SimileSWZ0
9Nkambule, CedusiziSWZ0
10Tobias, MirandaSWZ0
11Zwane, ChakazaSWZ0