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Campeonato Estadual de Mestres do RJ 2024

Last update 03.06.2024 04:57:01, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank list

1FMRangel, Daniel259262124475BRA216022122626 - TTC
2FMGuimaraes, Wagner Peixoto18432100940BRA214021961371 - CMUN
3De Albuquerque, Ian Telek Cavalcanti5098122722661BRA21332119U184210 - ALEX
4Salles, Marvio Darilho26802108070BRA20722055S600632 - TTC
5Fernandes, Silas Carvalho311882122820BRA204319971573 - CMUN
6Manzi, Luiz Antonio B.51682102641BRA197520591630 - CMUN
7Yunes, David Teles323252122251BRA197520123191 - CXMEIER
8Fucs, Paulo Moses6942104776BRA197120341238 - CXG
9NMDias, Matheus Braga4924522714405BRA196020224028 - FFC
10NMOkamura, Milton Kasuo26922101858BRA19502027S600132 - NXN
11NMChaves, Jorge Antonio Torres15982102226BRA19181925S600777 - TTC
12Dos Santos, Thiago L Verbicario6317544700245BRA190919194337 - NXN
13Pereira, Arthur Macedo6876944700326BRA19021939U184577 - CXMEIER
14Fernandes, Felipe Gambini5906122761764BRA189319023773 - NXN
15Laba, Otavio De Souza6626422788883BRA18791891U184588 - AFLUX
16Barros, Angelo Costa7014444700440BRA18251824U184597 - CXC
17Mesquita, Arnaldo Leite440772185300BRA182118041701 - ALEX
18Leal, Kaue Dos Santos8295644727593BRA178117964704 - AFLUX
19Machado, Wallace Fernandes58352108046BRA17671777S600743 - ALEX
20Silva, Guilherme de Moura6671044701845BRA01816U184625 - AFLUX
21Da Silva, Pedro Oliveira6077644754264BRA01800U184685 - AFLUX
22E Silva, Samuel Batista5096722770658BRA01800U184361 - AFLUX
23Guttler, Bruno Cravo8541444773749BRA017822367 - JTC
24Cardoso, Rafaela Martins6678944742886BRA01764U184992 - AFLUX
25Andrade, Moises Do Carmo8701744782691BRA004535 - CXC
26Da Silva, Natan M. de A. Nunes86004BRA000000 - NXN
27E Silva, Joao Guilherme Alvarenga87885BRA005156 - CXC
28Imbroisi, Marcelo Sztajn87648BRA004836 - CMUN
29Macario, Jorge Luiz Das Chagas8733022736409BRA002897 - CMUN