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CISCE UK Zone Selection Chess Tournament - U14

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.05.2024 17:53:45, Creator/Last Upload: Anurag Singh

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1Abir Singh Rana,IND1413
2Anany Kashyap,IND0
3Anay Garg,IND0
4Ankit Upadhyay,IND0
5Arjav Chib,IND0
6Atharva Nagpal,IND0
7Avyaan Todi,IND0
8Dhairya Singh,IND0
9Manit Jain,IND0
10Pranayshree Negi,IND0
11Shreyansh Kumar,IND0
12Shreynsh Singh,IND0
13Tanish Chaursia,IND0
14Vatsal Khare,IND0
15Vihaan Thakur,IND0