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Chess Trial U-19(Boys) PM Shri GMSSS Gohar Mandi H.P -2024-2025

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.05.2024 16:10:06, Creator/Last Upload: Raj

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1Bharat Bhushan,IND010th C
2Chandan chauhan,IND010+1 science
3Devinder,IND010+2 Arts
4Dhruv Kumar Sharma,IND010+2 science
5Goldy,IND010th B
6Jatin Kashyap,IND010+2 science
7Kartikey,IND010+2 science
8Meyush Thakur,IND010+1 Arts/comm
9Naman Thakur,IND010th C
11Nushant,IND010+2 science
12Pushkar,IND010+2 Arts
13Sanidhyy,IND010+1 science
14Shivam,IND010+1 Arts/comm
15Sonu,IND010+2 Arts/comm
16Sujal Rana,IND010+2 science
17Sumit,IND010+2 Arts/comm
18Varun,IND010+1 Arts/comm
19Viany Kumar,IND010+2 science