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Southall Congress 122024 U1900

Last update 04.12.2024 20:19:02, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank list

1Flynn, David410594ENG1890
2Llewellyn, Julian D484750ENG1831
3Avinash, Vaidyanathan46630872IND1814
4Li, Harvey343407790ENG1715
5Pastukhov, Boris435643ENG1683
6Ishir, Narayan35025953IND1679
7ACMPoderico, Francesco891835ITA1668
8Singla, Keshav343445080ENG1665
9Gudovijus, Kestutis343413382ENG1480
10Gopaldas, Caelan343438024ENG1469
11Nelson, Leon343438245ENG0
12Zadvorny, Roman343436315ENG0