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Turnaj sv. Jana Nepomuckého 2024 (4. ročník) – turnaj A

Senast uppdaterad26.09.2024 18:53:39, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 159

Lista över spelare

8FMZeman, Matyas364398CZE2324
4IMPriehoda, Vitezslav14900122CZE2245
3FMBrejnik, Gustav362662CZE2222
6IMJurek, Josef300993CZE2198
5Muron, Miroslav301957CZE2186
2Flajsman, Pavel391476CZE2156
9Spirik, Jiri301060CZE2127
1Perkampus, Laurin16232283GER2126
7Polak, Michal23704012CZE2052