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Red Skorpion May 2024 Labour Day Edition

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.05.2024 01:47:30, Creator/Last Upload: BrillianceChessEnterprise

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1FMChristie, Joshua7402074JAM2272
2FMSmith, Shreyas7400713JAM2258
3IMMatthews, Shane7400012JAM2205
4FMLorne, Ras Malaku7400330JAM2090
5FMGlaves, Raheem7402724JAM2084
6CMBrown, Akeem7402023JAM2015
7CMHinds, Nathan7400730JAM1980
9Smith, Di-Jaun7404590JAM1976
8CMMellace, Andrew7400055JAM1942
10Henry, Mark7400039JAM1758