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Level up your Chess with GM Debashis Das.
Dates: 3rd June to 7th June, 2024.

5 days offline camp.
20 hours of Mentorship.

Batch 1: Intermediate 10am to 2pm.
Batch 2: Advance 03pm to 7pm.

For more details, contact:
Mr. Jaydeep Sharma: 9599112371
Mr. Sushant Tiwari: 9911072629

Chess Camp by GM Debashis Das | Advanced Batch

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony08.06.2024 06:43:36, Creator/Last Upload: Sushant Tiwari

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1Ajay, Santhosh Parvathareddy25998676IND2174
2Divitt, Arora25789511IND2086
3Jagreet, Misra33394830IND2009
4Vyom, Malhotra33383561IND1795
5Dhruv, Singh Bisht25110012IND1757
6AFMKukreja, Suguna25727990IND1701
7Ekam, Singh33334234IND1679
8Saksham, Goel33384142IND1522
9Arz, Bhatia25118072IND1505
10ACMVishnu, Nandan366097839IND1460