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FSCT 16th Group B Four Seasons Chess Tournaments

Last update 17.05.2024 15:28:13, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Starting rank list of players

1Almahjoub, Mokhtar9202056LBA1951
2Ballout, Kamaluldin Ali9216219LBA1870
3Dakheel, Omar Ali9219323LBA1853
4Albdri, Ali Emohamed9211098LBA1826
5Franika, Khaled Mahmoud9200142LBA1819
6Zgeta, Faisal Mohamed9211128LBA1749
7El Tayaari, Najmedin Sasi9218491LBA1741
8Abuizraybah, Mohammed Salih9215085LBA1618