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Liceo de Monterrey Redwood 2010-2011

Last update 14.05.2024 00:27:45, Creator/Last Upload: FerBroca

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Starting rank

1Vilchez, Navejar FelixMEX1601LMB
2Lujan, Salas DiegoMEX1599LMB
3Plaza, Perez Juan ManuelMEX1583LMB
4Jacome, Leal Jose SantiagoMEX1514LMB
5Calderon Sanchez, LeonardoMEX0LMB
6Gamboa Cantu, MarceloMEX0LMB
7Garza Garza, FranciscoMEX0LMB
8Gonzalez Garcia, IsabellaMEX0LRe
9Grimaldo Rojas, GeraldineMEX0ONS
10Gutierrez Vargas, DanielaMEX0LRe
11Jauregui Alcala, ReginaMEX0LRe
12Morales Fernandez, Maria JoseMEX0LRe
13Pico Villarreal, Ana VictoriaMEX0LRe
14Rivera Sanchez, Ian JoelMEX0ONS
15Saavedra Amaya, GrettaMEX0LRe
16Vargas Salce, Maria IsabelMEX0LRo
17Vega Padilla, SofiaMEX0LRe
18Vilchez Navejar, NataliaMEX0LRe
19Zapata Cuellar, DavidMEX0LMB