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Last update 11.05.2024 20:00:07, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy

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1Dominguez, Sanchez Alan Francisco1521Unidad De Desarrollo Infantil
2Elizondo, Villarreal Alejandro0Aim Chipinque
3Escarraga, Maza Marcelo0Aim Valle
4Esparza, Castillo Dante0Lidec
5Lozano, Romero Elias0Aim Chipinque
6Musalem, Monarrez Leo0Aim Chipinque
7Rangel, Barahona Liam Andre0Marybolis
8Rodriguez, Guerra Alejandra0Aim Chipinque
9Rodriguez, Guerra Marcela0Aim Chipinque
10Trevino, Sainz Sebastian0Himalaya