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Welsh Blitz Posledná aktualizácia 08.06.2024 18:47:02, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
16 | FM | Toczek, Grzegorz | 1106457 | WLS | 2107 |
25 | WFM | Richmond, Jane | 1800183 | WLS | 2023 |
19 | | Singh, Kabir | 5708516 | MAS | 1906 |
20 | | Jukes, Sam | 1803182 | WLS | 1905 |
15 | | Williams, Duncan | 1805592 | WLS | 1862 |
14 | | Liesniak, Nikita | 1806610 | WLS | 1843 |
23 | | Bickford, Ben | 1806190 | WLS | 1760 |
26 | | Bourne, Patrick | 1805967 | WLS | 1743 |
22 | | Hanczar, Csombor | 1805762 | WLS | 1712 |
13 | | Archibald, Mckenzie | 1807170 | WLS | 1708 |
24 | | Graczyk, Piotr | 1805410 | WLS | 1685 |
9 | | Dodington, Russell | 1800264 | WLS | 1681 |
17 | | Richards, Joshua | 1808508 | WLS | 1678 |
12 | | Powell-Jones, Liam | 1806807 | WLS | 1651 |
6 | | Hanczar, Csege | 1805770 | WLS | 1613 |
7 | | Enoch, Stuart | 1806238 | WLS | 1607 |
2 | | Ramzan, Timur | 1805630 | WLS | 1594 |
30 | | Murthy, Arush | 1806513 | WLS | 1542 |
28 | | Burton, Henry | 1808192 | WLS | 1482 |
4 | | Sawtell, Michael | 343111051 | WLS | 1421 |
21 | | Halpin, Carl | 1808648 | WLS | 1317 |
10 | | Liu, Yimo | 1806416 | WLS | 1094 |
27 | | Gorman, Claire | 1806696 | WLS | 1044 |
1 | | Hill, Glyn | 1808150 | WLS | 850 |
3 | | Hanczar, Mabon | 1806556 | WLS | 791 |
29 | | Burton, Andrew | 1868605 | WLS | 0 |
18 | | Burton, Yan | 1808630 | WLS | 0 |
5 | | Comfort, Rebecca | 1808613 | WLS | 0 |
11 | | Hanczar, Gergely | 1808621 | WLS | 0 |
8 | | Marriott, Harrison | 343405452 | ENG | 0 |