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Torneo Leya Sports evento 5 Cat 2011-2010-2009-2008

Last update 11.05.2024 20:50:38, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Grace C Mackay

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Starting rank

1Ayala Cantú, Cesar AlejandroMex1751
2Silva Martinez, Alan sahidMex1660
3Anza Salazar, RogelioMex1658
4Covarrubias Vela, RafaelMex1646
5Anguiano Lopez, Efren OsvaldoMex1632
6Muñiz Flores, Citlalli MarianMex1632w
7Charles Moreno, José SaulMex1573
8Martinez Escalera, Ernesto AbinadiMex1503
9Altamirano Silva, AbelardoMEX0
10Delgado Robles, Carlos EduardoMex0
11Olvera Carreon, Regina JudithMex0w