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Torneo Leya Sports evento 5 Cat 2015-2014

Last update 11.05.2024 20:50:02, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Grace C Mackay

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1De Hoyos Aceves, Jesús ManuelMex1581
2Villarreal Benitez, LucasMex1575
3Laureano Torres, LeonardoMex1569
4Tamez Regalado, Julian SantiagoMex1566
5Salinas Velázquez, MatíasMex1554
6Villarreal Benitez, SantinoMex1553
7Rodriguez Hernandez, David AlejandroMex1539
8Velazquez Sedano, FrancoMex1524
9Gamez Ramirez, Fernando RaulMex1521
10Ruiz Castañeda, Uriel AlejandroMex1461
11Alanis Ruiz, Jorge LuisMex0
12Araujo Gomez, RubénMex0
13Arredondo Hernández, Renata MaeMex0
14BARRIGA Vázquez, CarlosMex0
15De los reyes Castillo, Alan esauMex0
16Hernandez Carranza, Jesus RobertoMex0
17Hernandez Flores, Luis ManuelMex0
18Malvaez Pruneda, José AndresMex0
19Martínez Fernandez, Bruno EnriqueMex0
20Michel Campos, NataliaMex0
21MONTES Gonzalez, GuillermoMex0
22Ortiz Farias, Carlos MarioMex0
23Parra Ramos, Eliana CarolinaMex0
24Ramírez Villarreal, Christian SebastianMex0
26Trevino Espinoza, MiguelMex0
27Velasco García, Mauricio GaelMex0
28Villagrana Zuñiga, Luis FernandoMEX0
29VillarrealFlores, CamilaMEX0
30Viloria Troncoso, ElizabethMex0