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2nd AEON Mall Bdr Dato Onn Team Chess Championship 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.07.2024 10:36:21, Creator/Last Upload: Genius Chess Learning Center

Search for team Szukanie

Wynik końcowy po 7 rundach

M-sceSNrDrużynaGroupPartie  +   =   -  TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
13The Three Kings770021150
217Girl KChersGirl76011816,50
31The Fire Starters75111616,50
426Senior KChers751116160
57Boy KChers750215150
839The Checkmate TrioSchool75021512,50
1038The 3 StoogesSchool64021312,50
1121Junior KChersU1074031214,50
1210Brainy Chess Academy740312130
1315Foon Yew 2School/U1074031212,50
146Bdr Seri AlamU10740312120
152Sara Diri740312110
1611Chess Commanders740312110
175ACS D DesaruU10740312110
189Boys SRABJB 2*U10/School740312110
1919Hwa Nan GirlsGirl/School74031290
2025Royal ForkersSchool73131010,50
218Boys SRABJB 1*School731310100
2222Nam Heng Dream BuilderGirls /U107313109,50
2313Dragon WarriorsU107313108,50
2535Super StarGirl/School73049110
2743 little 1School7304910,50
2840Trio Boyz73049100
2933STaBuk Inn WarriorsSchool73049100
3042Wonder GirlsGirl6222990
3241Valiant Knights730496,50
3318Girls SRABJBGirl/School721479,50
3412Chess TitansSchool721479,50
3516Galaxy Team7205690
3734STaBuk Inn Warriors 2School7205670
3832SRIT ApprenticeSchool7205670
3936Team AFU106105470
4131SRAB PontianSchool6105430
4227SK Bandar Penawar NewbieSchool601525,50
4328SK Bdr Penawar U10School/U10/Girl601523,50

TB 1: Matchpoints (3 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
TB 2: points (game-points)
TB 3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints