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Bishkek Chess Club Masters 2024 Veterans

Last update 09.05.2024 10:29:33, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

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Starting rank

1Zhusupov, Mairambek13800876KGZ1847
2Vilinsky, Vladimir13800450KGZ1807
3Kurbanaliev, Duishenaly13825755KGZ1769
4Ibraimov, Kubanychbek13824562KGZ1765
5Alybaev, Djekshenbek13702670KGZ1754
6Arstanbekov, Dzhanysh13801007KGZ1751
7Tilenbaev, Cholponbek13803239KGZ1742
8Tsai, Dmitrii13803352KGZ1740
9Kazizov, Ydrys13803328KGZ1684
10Bolotov, Toktobek13804189KGZ1650
11Azhibaev, Keneshbek13805150KGZ1643
12Murzakimov, Zhenishbek13840398KGZ1633