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2024 쥬니어 그랑프리 - S2

Last update 12.05.2024 11:04:07, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1PARK, Seonjae132137681792U16EPA
2LEE, Jiwoo A132128771784U12EPA
3KIM, Kunhoo Alexander132090001704U14LSH
4KIM, Yegeon132190221662U14EPA
5JANG, Seojun132165201660U10LSH
6LEE, Eoram132145351628U14EPA
7LEE, Ruk132203731621U10위즈
8YIM, Jemin132214691616U14퀸즈
9PARK, Sihoo132205781614U16EPA
10LEE, Jeongwoo B132208531590U08위즈
11KIM, Jooyeon132144621582wU10위즈
12KIM, Nayoon B132151831568wU10EPA
13MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan3661094751561U08LSH
14CHANG, Joowan132233131519U16퀸즈
15LEE, Juhwan132238871513U14퀸즈
16MOON, Heesung132216391513U16퀸즈
17KIM, Jaeha132197901494U08EPA
18BAE, Joowon132168301476U10EPA
19JANG, Yunseo132165381459wU14LSH
20LEE, Kangin132238101452U12퀸즈
21YU, Taekyu132239251441U12퀸즈
22LEE, Eunhak132248831437U10EPA
23RUVEDHA, Meiyazhagan881282881426wU16LSH
24HAN, Jaejun132240001412U12퀸즈
25YANG, Junseo132218331409U10퀸즈
26JEONG, Eunchae132178101401wU12퀸즈
27CHUNG, Yeseo132231780wU08LSH
28SON, Yuseong132198980U10EPA