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Clubkamp Nacho Moron 2024 The Sloima Zonenschain Club chess championship

Seinast dagført21.06.2024 20:57:03, Creator/Last Upload: Denzil Philips

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1FMVan Bemmelen, Ursus7501013AHO2143
2FMBlijstra, Willem1018000AHO2056
3CMSiban, Michael8200076SUR2032
4Van Opstal, Rurik7502621AHO2008
5Cuellar, Oscar7500327AHO1992
6FMCapella, Rurik7501005AHO1990
7Diaz De Pool, Julian7502656AHO1907
8Van Delden, Johan7502206AHO1887
9Roose, Alex7500246AHO1843
10Capella, Gregory7500211AHO1798
11Albregtse, Tjerk1061143AHO1790
12Picus, Marlon7500190AHO1788
13Hodgson, Norman7500033AHO1752
14Bregita, Jhonathan7502362AHO1750
15Martinez Gallardo, Kennard7501862AHO1746
16Fayad, Michell7500475AHO1737
17Hollaar, Ernst7502109AHO1717
18AFMBedi, Vaibhav7501900AHO1706
19Peters, Elroy7502435AHO1698
20Marcos, Taqesyah7500610AHO1696
21Jansen, Romer7502559AHO1661
22Berkenveld, Paulus7502583AHO1619
23Ayubi, Amir7502478AHO1580
24Browne, Winifred7501625AHO0
25Da Silva De Goes, Riangelo7502419AHO0
26Diaz, Alfonso7501072AHO0
27Erdelyi, Ferencz7502095AHO0
28Everts, Roy-Anthony7502397AHO0
29Jubitana, Ginger7502842AHO0
30Jubitana, Vanilla7502850AHO0
31Paris Hodge, Ceanna7502311AHO0
32Pieter, Liana7502192AHO0
33Pourier, Dianthely7501641AHO0
34Spong, Robby7502699AHO0
35Tramm, Zjurieck7502893AHO0
36Le Fevre, Wouter1073273NED0