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Campeonato Departamental de Ajedrez de Madriz 2024

Last update 12.05.2024 19:46:16, Creator/Last Upload: fespinoza

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Starting rank

1Rocha Mendoza, Axell Farid6107745NCA1855
2Espinoza Roman, Juancarlos6101267NCA1825
3Lopez Tercero, Enders Wilfredo6109969NCA1783
4Gamez Valenzuela, Evert Eduardo6109942NCA1755
5Bustos Morales, Joao RicardoNCA0
6Caceres Araus, Jose ManuelNCA0
7Caceres Araus, Nahomi Tamara6111939NCA0
8Cardenas Rivas, Roxana Lisseth6112730NCA0
9Cruz de la Ossa, Calixto Jose6107834NCA0
10Diaz Sandoval, Angel Gabriel6110975NCA0
11Guerrero Rodriguez, Cristhian Orlando6113060NCA0
12Iglesias Calderon, Shalom MercedesNCA0
13Lainez Murillo, Maveth Joshua6113176NCA0
14Nunez Poveda, Kenneth ReneNCA0
15Pozo Garcia, Alisson Alejandra6111980NCA0
16Pozo Garcia, Osmara Jeanethe6110460NCA0
17Rodriguez Lopez, Francisco JavierNCA0