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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
North Leitrim Chessmates' Cuckoo Championship اخر تحديث21.05.2024 21:58:40, منشئ/آخر رفع: Colm O Muireagain
ترتيب البداية
رقم | اسم اللاعب |
1 | Clucas, Phillip |
2 | Galazzi, Davide |
3 | Kelly, Daniel |
4 | O Muireagain, Colm |
5 | O'Reilly, Arro |
6 | Kelly, Davin |
7 | McMahon, Noel |
8 | Wilson, Eamonn |
9 | Wilson, Dashiell |
10 | Kelly, Lorraine |
11 | O Reilly, Denise |
12 | Gallager, Jack |
13 | Cooney, Rohan |
14 | Cooney, Anwen |
15 | Cooney, Artaun |
16 | Cooney, Sadaf |