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Torneo de Ajedrez " MUEVE TUS PIEZAS, CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA" U.E.T.H.M.S. 1ra Categoria primaria (Damas)

Last update 07.05.2024 18:15:08, Creator/Last Upload: BOLIVIAN FEDERATION OF CHESS

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Starting rank

1Acosta Vedia, EmelynBOL03ro "B"
2Almendras Villarroel, AlvaBOL01º"B"
3Arratia Calani, AlexaBOL02do "A"
4Calizaya Juchazara, AbigailBOL02do "B"
5Canchari Kachi, BriseydaBOL02do "B"
6Cerdon Bejarano, Flor De LizBOL01º"C"
7Choque Muriel, KarinaBOL03ro "C"
8Choque Rocha, Eli JanieBOL01º"A"
9Claros Garcia, Charlotte IvoneBOL02do "A"
10Dejas García, Clarisa CelesteBOL03ro "C"
11Godoy Ocampo, MarielBOL01º"A"
12Guillen Mejia, ArianethBOL01º"B"
13Gutierrez vargas, Maria JoseBOL02do "C"
14Hidalgo Romero, Keyci MadielBOL03ro "C"
15Laka Zarate, JhazminBOL01º"C"
16Lopez Mamani, Aileen ValentinaBOL03ro "A"
17Miranda Nava, NicolBOL02do "C"
18Quispe Yucra, Yamileth NayeliBOL03ro "B"
19Reinaga Arellano, Dania AnaiBOL02do "B"
20Rojas Pascual, AlessiaBOL01º"A"
21Sejas Joaniquina, Joana MelizaBOL03ro "A"
22Torrico Velarde, Sheyla KatherineBOL01º"B"
23Vargas Ñunez, Jhelinek AnghyBOL02do "A"
24Velasco Arriarán, Romina MiroslaviaBOL03ro "B"
25Villarroel Garcia, Leydi MichellBOL01º"C"
26Yucra Mamani, Leydi GricelyBOL03ro "A"