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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
XXV Open Internacional de Sants - Ciutat de Barcelona Group Cاخر تحديث01.09.2024 14:21:52, منشئ: Davide Vega d'Aurelio,آخر رفع: ramongarcia
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم دولي | تقييم محلي | نوع | مجموعة | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | | FERRAN GIRALT, Bernat | 54763320 | CAT | 1645 | 1723 | | | Vilafranca C.E. |
2 | | | ORTIZ LAMA, Alex | 94707669 | CAT | 1645 | 1705 | | | Ribes, Penya D'escacs |
3 | | | VAZQUEZ CORTES, Carlos | 54531306 | CAT | 1644 | 1682 | | | Gran Penya Vilanova C.E. |
4 | | | GIMENEZ SANTAMARIA, Miriam | 523001500 | CAT | 1643 | 1542 | U10 | | Sant Andreu C.E. |
5 | | | FERNANDEZ PANZANO, Jose Juan | 32005539 | CAT | 1641 | 1689 | | | Congres C.E. |
6 | | | GONZALEZ AVELLANA, Santiago | 54520347 | CAT | 1634 | 1696 | | | Navarcles Club Escacs |
7 | | | MOLINA TABERNERO, Jordi | 22244140 | CAT | 1631 | 1696 | S60 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
8 | | | SEGADOR SANCHEZ, Didac | 54714273 | CAT | 1629 | 1673 | | | Gran Penya Vilanova C.E. |
9 | | | ECCLESTON, Rowan | 472719 | ENG | 1627 | 0 | | | SPTW |
10 | | | SIEGEL, Rainer | 24630624 | GER | 1626 | 0 | S60 | | |
11 | | | VILLA CARBO, Luis Miguel | 54787971 | CAT | 1625 | 1663 | S60 | | Esplugues L'avenc C.E. |
12 | | | GOMEZ DE ARGILA, Lluis | 22256822 | CAT | 1625 | 1638 | S60 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
13 | | | KOLODCHENKO, Nikita | 523062720 | CAT | 1618 | 1518 | U10 | | Gava C.E. |
14 | | | RADJI, Ethan | 652045226 | FRA | 1618 | 0 | U12 | | |
15 | | | LOZON URENA, Xavier | 94709130 | CAT | 1617 | 1688 | S60 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
16 | | | DOMINGUEZ DIAZ, Francisco | 22221581 | ESP | 1614 | 1627 | S60 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
17 | | | GOMEZ SANCHEZ, Javier | 24500615 | CAT | 1613 | 1658 | | | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
18 | | | DANIELYAN, Narek | 94750785 | CAT | 1605 | 1746 | U12 | | Associaci” Cultural Armenia De |
19 | | | FONT SHARAPA, Ruslan | 94750726 | CAT | 1604 | 1740 | U12 | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
20 | | | ACIN SOLER, Neus | 94750696 | CAT | 1604 | 1604 | U12 | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
21 | | | LLOP RUIZ, Ruben Fernando | 94705763 | CAT | 1604 | 1536 | S60 | | Ateneu Colon C.E. |
22 | | | DELGADO PADILLA, Juan | 94704937 | CAT | 1601 | 1682 | | | Castellar Del Valles C.E. |
23 | | | ABAD NEBOT, Jordi | 54516609 | CAT | 1599 | 1635 | S60 | | Congres C.E. |
24 | | | RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ, Yeray | 523053860 | CAT | 1599 | 1523 | | | Congres C.E. |
25 | | | YLLA SORO, Rafael | 2296225 | CAT | 1595 | 1606 | S60 | | Congres C.E. |
26 | | | FARELL DURAN, Josep | 22234462 | CAT | 1594 | 1659 | S60 | | La Passio D'esparreguera, C.E. |
27 | | | RAFALSKI, Maksymilian | 523002620 | CAT | 1594 | 1613 | | | Ideal D'en Clave C.E. |
28 | | | SANCHEZ FIBLA, Xavier | 94709408 | CAT | 1591 | 1666 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
29 | | | MARTIN VALENTIN, Manuel | 24592536 | ESP | 1588 | 0 | S60 | | |
30 | | | GABALDON ESCAGEDO, Jaime | 94797234 | CAT | 1587 | 1489 | | | Cadena Escacs |
31 | | | ECCLESTON, Bryony | 472700 | ENG | 1585 | 0 | | | SPTW |
32 | | | MEMBRIVES CANO, Diego | 54537134 | CAT | 1584 | 1640 | S60 | | El Prat, C.E. |
33 | | | HERREROS DE TEJADA VILADRICH, Marc | 94791996 | CAT | 1584 | 1600 | U10 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
34 | | | FOLGUEIRAS BOSQUE, Ignacio | 54707110 | CAT | 1582 | 1587 | | | Cor De Marina Badalona, C.E. |
35 | | | SCHENKEL, Alberto | 54580730 | CAT | 1580 | 1617 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
36 | | | HERNANDEZ MEDIAVILLA, Juan Jose | 24598739 | CAT | 1579 | 1616 | S60 | | Foment Martinenc C.E. |
37 | | | ONATE DIAZ, Manuel | 54784700 | CAT | 1579 | 1603 | S60 | | Cor De Marina Badalona, C.E. |
38 | | | LOPEZ MALLACH, Miguel | 94707502 | CAT | 1573 | 1643 | | | Foment Martinenc C.E. |
39 | | | BLANCH RIPOLL, Xavier | 94776989 | CAT | 1573 | 1553 | | | Sant Marti C.E. |
40 | | | BURGOS PICON, Carlos | 54756464 | CAT | 1572 | 1595 | | | Jake C.E. |
41 | | | SALINAS SELLAS, Cai | 54566665 | CAT | 1572 | 1588 | | | Tona-La Crema Club Escacs |
42 | | | VELASCO GRISALES, Henry | 54736382 | CAT | 1570 | 1627 | | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
43 | | | BERNAT MOR, Juli | 32012047 | CAT | 1570 | 1626 | | | Ateneu Barcelones, C.E. |
44 | | | IGLESIAS PAU, Nil | 54720303 | CAT | 1569 | 1662 | U12 | | Castellar Del Valles C.E. |
45 | | | MAUGERI, Paolo | 94771626 | CAT | 1566 | 1589 | | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
46 | | | TURRO MATEU, Pere | 523053950 | CAT | 1566 | 1574 | | | Terrassa Del Csc, C.E. |
47 | | | MAJORAL MARCO, Javier | 94768978 | CAT | 1562 | 1594 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
48 | | | OBIS FARRE, Jordi | 54507278 | CAT | 1558 | 1536 | | | Pardinyes, C.E. |
49 | | | FEBRERO PEREZ, Lluis | 2281627 | CAT | 1557 | 1651 | S60 | | Comtal C.E. |
50 | | | FERNANDEZ MACARRON, Mariano | 22222146 | CAT | 1552 | 1554 | S60 | | Congres C.E. |
51 | | | LATORRE COMA, Antoni | 32004508 | CAT | 1548 | 1604 | S60 | | Terrassa Del Csc, C.E. |
52 | | | GABALDON ESCAGEDO, Eloy | 94797242 | CAT | 1548 | 1584 | U12 | | Cadena Escacs |
53 | | | BORJA CASAS, Jordi | 94727872 | CAT | 1546 | 1572 | | | Sant Quirze Del Valles |
54 | | | SORRIBAS GIRONA, Carles | 94764018 | CAT | 1542 | 1635 | S60 | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
55 | | | MANSA MORALES, Javier | 54787505 | CAT | 1541 | 1598 | | | Sant Joan Despi C.E. |
56 | | | GRANE TORRADEFLOT, Ramon | 94767688 | CAT | 1537 | 1472 | S60 | | Catalunya E.C. |
57 | | | GIMENO DAROCA, Vicente | 54705061 | CAT | 1535 | 1526 | S60 | | Comtal C.E. |
58 | | | MARTINEZ PUIG, Jordi | 94709165 | CAT | 1534 | 1539 | | | Sitges Prado Suburenc, P.E. |
59 | | | MARTINEZ PEREZ, Francisco | 94712093 | CAT | 1533 | 1522 | S60 | | Catalunya E.C. |
60 | | | LINARES BERNET, Ana | 32095139 | CAT | 1532 | 1531 | S60 | | Once Barcelona |
61 | | | JIMENEZ BAZHIN, Alexander | 94768234 | CAT | 1528 | 1481 | U10 | | Dos Torres Sant Cugat, C.E. |
62 | | | PRAT SOLE, Max | 94742790 | CAT | 1527 | 1737 | U12 | | Castellar Del Valles C.E. |
63 | | | ALARCON ALARCON, Marina | 32010516 | CAT | 1527 | 1512 | S60 | | Once Barcelona |
64 | | | KUKUSHKIN, Oleg | 94730326 | CAT | 1525 | 1651 | U10 | | Hortenc, Ateneu Cultural C.E. |
65 | | | HERRANDO CLARAMUNT, Oriol | 54785596 | CAT | 1521 | 1690 | U12 | | Gran Penya Vilanova C.E. |
66 | | | CALDERON TOCINO, Jone | 94764301 | CAT | 1511 | 1559 | U12 | | Sant Cugat Club Escacs |
67 | | | NUNEZ ROMEO, Fausto | 32071469 | CAT | 1509 | 1534 | S60 | | Foment Martinenc C.E. |
68 | | | CABEZOS OTON, Juan | 54564239 | CAT | 1504 | 1574 | S60 | | Riu Senia, Club Escacs |
69 | | | MARIN PALOS, Alex | 54570751 | CAT | 1504 | 1530 | | | Sitges Prado Suburenc, P.E. |
70 | | | ROVIRA PUIG, Ricardo | 24596647 | CAT | 1497 | 1448 | S60 | | Catalunya E.C. |
71 | | | BRU MONTOYA, Marc | 54539510 | CAT | 1496 | 1589 | | | Ateneu Colon C.E. |
72 | | | MARCHAL, Nina | 653073746 | FRA | 1495 | 0 | | | |
73 | | | BLASCO ROCA, Roger | 94750653 | CAT | 1489 | 1518 | | | Dos Torres Sant Cugat, C.E. |
74 | | | ARNAU JULI, Alfred | 24547190 | CAT | 1486 | 1544 | S60 | | Sant Marti C.E. |
75 | | | ESCORIZA GALLARDO, Pedro | 2203561 | CAT | 1482 | 1469 | | | Gava C.E. |
76 | | | GARCIA JIMENEZ, Alejandro | 523002581 | CAT | 1481 | 1537 | | | Comtal C.E. |
77 | | | IZQUIERDO FUSTER, Joan | 22283072 | CAT | 1479 | 1435 | | | Congres C.E. |
78 | | | MORRAL ESTEVE, Salvador | 32040490 | CAT | 1476 | 1364 | S60 | | Sant Boi C.E. |
79 | | | PLA JULIO, Carlos Javier | 22228411 | CAT | 1473 | 1475 | S60 | | Comtal C.E. |
80 | | | COSTACHE, Stefan | 94765383 | CAT | 1472 | 1734 | U10 | | Societat Coral Colon Sabadell |
81 | | | ALVARADO, Luis | 21054282 | POL | 1470 | 0 | | | |
82 | | | IZQUIERDO SANCHEZ, Alejandro | 94748969 | CAT | 1464 | 1498 | | | Sant Marti C.E. |
83 | | | HERRANDO CLARAMUNT, Queralt | 94734623 | CAT | 1457 | 1442 | U10 | | Gran Penya Vilanova C.E. |
84 | | | NUNEZ FERNANDEZ, Daniel | 54751128 | CAT | 1456 | 1607 | | | Societat Coral Colon Sabadell |
85 | | | ESPANOL BADA, Nuria | 24599344 | CAT | 1447 | 1477 | | | Llinars, Club D'escacs |
86 | | | OLIANIN, Timofei | 94770832 | CAT | 1444 | 1568 | | | Sitges Prado Suburenc, P.E. |
87 | | | PASCUAS TRUJILLO, Daniel | 94706239 | CAT | 1440 | 1597 | U12 | | Rubinenca, Agrupacio D'escacs |
88 | | | RECACHA DELGADO, Rafael | 54523958 | CAT | 1435 | 1344 | S60 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
89 | | | BLASZKIEWICZ, Elzbieta | 21082944 | POL | 1434 | 0 | U12 | | |
90 | | | ESTRUCH PUIG, Jaume | 54785227 | CAT | 1428 | 1361 | S60 | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
91 | | | CALDERON TOCINO, Miguel | 523057041 | CAT | 1421 | 1428 | | | Sant Cugat Club Escacs |
92 | | | MARTIMPE BURGUES, Xavier | 32075669 | CAT | 1414 | 1387 | | | Sant Marti C.E. |
93 | | | GRANE TORRADEFLOT, Maria Carme | 94760934 | CAT | 1411 | 1504 | S60 | | Catalunya E.C. |
94 | | | MORERA DOMENECH, Guiu | 523053577 | CAT | 1405 | 1434 | U10 | | Dos Torres Sant Cugat, C.E. |
95 | | | MORALES GESTI, Jose Narciso | 54599849 | CAT | 1404 | 1440 | S60 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
96 | | | SILVA CERDA, Arnau Alonso | 94733708 | CAT | 1403 | 1518 | U10 | | Gramenet Club Escacs |
97 | | | BARTOMEUS PLANA, Ramon | 523097213 | CAT | 0 | 1700 | S60 | | |
98 | | | BENZAL DIVOLS, David | 535019913 | CAT | 0 | 1700 | | | Penya Mollet Xxi, Club D'escac |
99 | | | CABALLERO CAMPOS, Andre | 523000759 | CAT | 0 | 1688 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
100 | | | GIL ANDREU, Albert | 32054270 | CAT | 0 | 1571 | | | Hortenc, Ateneu Cultural C.E. |
101 | | | RAMIREZ QUEME, Aisha Julia | 535019778 | CAT | 0 | 1560 | | | Llinars, Club D'escacs |
102 | | | TORRES KORKOZHA, Alex | 523007125 | CAT | 0 | 1506 | U10 | | Lira Vendrellenca |
103 | | | GARCIA RODRIGUEZ, Dafne | 94760845 | CAT | 0 | 1489 | U10 | | Valls C.E. |
104 | | | ORTIZ HIDALGO, Juan Diego | 94750700 | CAT | 0 | 1474 | U12 | | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
105 | | | JIN, Xuzhe | 523009381 | CAT | 0 | 1456 | U12 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
106 | | | BABAIAN, Armen | 523019123 | ESP | 0 | 1416 | U10 | | Associaci” Cultural Armenia De |
107 | | | IGLESIAS PAU, Gael | 94742472 | CAT | 0 | 1388 | U10 | | Castellar Del Valles C.E. |
108 | | | TARRAGO TOMAS, Ferran | 94763950 | CAT | 0 | 1369 | S60 | | Tordera C.E. |
109 | | | MORRALLA BUKHAROV, Marc | 94770344 | CAT | 0 | 1359 | U12 | | Associacio Cultural Armenia De |
110 | | | JI, Chaoming | 523096373 | CAT | 0 | 1352 | U10 | | Tres Peons C.E. |
111 | | | TEPLYTSKA, Yeva | 94763895 | CAT | 0 | 1334 | U10 | | Hortenc, Ateneu Cultural C.E. |
112 | | | KONDAKOV, Elisei | 523060115 | CAT | 0 | 1312 | U10 | | Associacio Cultural Armenia De |
113 | | | FERRAN GIRALT, Joan | 523024569 | CAT | 0 | 1264 | U10 | | Vilafranca C.E. |
114 | | | NARBON GALAN, Alberto | 24578843 | CAT | 0 | 1230 | | | Congres C.E. |
115 | | | PARRAMON MONTOLIU, Rut | 94777357 | CAT | 0 | 1192 | U10 | | Vallfogona C.E. |
116 | | | BRACKEN, Layla | 486906 | ENG | 0 | 0 | | | |
117 | | | FIASCHETTI, Edoardo | 23466324 | ITA | 0 | 0 | | | |
118 | | | GUERZONI, Matilde Alba | 867217 | ITA | 0 | 0 | | | |
119 | | | KEEN, Leia | 343416403 | ENG | 0 | 0 | U12 | | SPTW |
120 | | | LOMANDONG, Roland | 5400449 | MNC | 0 | 0 | | | |
121 | | | PATEL, Joshan | 343432212 | ENG | 0 | 0 | U10 | | |
122 | | | SCHWEGLER, Laia | 34671226 | GER | 0 | 0 | | | |