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Torneio do Clube de Saj

Last update 07.05.2024 02:22:28, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Arthur, Silas Borges De Sousa44706952BRA2008BA
2Theo, De Oliveira SouzaBRA1989BA
3Malu, Andrade De Assis PassosBRA1837BA
4Julimar, Barreto FerreiraBRA1797BA
5Gustavo, Oliveira SilvaBRA1790BA
6Luiz, Roque Santos De Jesus FilhoBRA1785BA
7Heitor, Santos BrasilBRA1783BA
8Felipe, Freire FerreiraBRA1751BA
9Alan, Deived2112450BRA1894BA
10Jose, Leandro Fonseca SantosBRA1805BA