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Chess Scotland Primary Individual Championship

Seinast dagført11.05.2024 17:45:09, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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1Del Mar, Tristan I2410257SCO1652ER
2Mittal, Advik2410206SCO1467LZ
3Al Dakl Alla, Humam2410150SCO1450LZ
4Railwani, Tavish2410249SCO1441LZ
5Balaji, Lochan343411673SCO1387LZ
6Vikram, Vedanth2410923SCO1352EA
7Prabhu, Aadith2410400SCO1278EA
8Yip, Atticus2413256SCO1211PW
9Uegaki, Haruo2414023SCO1177ER
10Yip, Oscar2413264SCO1174PW
11Oren-Woods, Rowan I2410907SCO1166LZ
12Huang, Yushu2413302SCO1084LZ
13Madhu, Shruti2414902SCO943ER
14Arya, Aadit2409984SCO871LZ
15Nathan, Prithvi S2414309SCO871EW
16Vadalia, Vihaa2413949SCO865PO
17Bhattacharjee, Nilakshi2413868SCO820ER
18Bhaduri, AtrasnuSCO813NJ
19Dziobek, Marek2413213SCO804GI
20Munshi, Anika2410982SCO759PO
21Al Dakl Alla, Maria2410834SCO601LZ
22Mittal, AnikaSCO488GI
23Sharma Nath, ShauryaSCO421LZ
24Yuan, Alice2415267SCO393GA
25Ganesh, Krishiv2413035SCO385LZ
26Gaikwad, Reina2413981SCO282LZ
27Theodoratou Korakakis, Rea2415275SCO267EA
28Seran, KavanSCO266LZ
29Gaikwad, Netra2413973SCO216LZ