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O'Boyle Championship

Senast uppdaterad03.06.2024 20:04:18, Creator/Last Upload: Henry Williams

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1Boyle, Bernard2501830IRL1906
2Gorman, Dean2518309IRL1889
3O'Boyle, Donal2505096IRL1875
4Mohammad, Mahbub Parouare10206558IRL1870
5Cummins, Sean2512084IRL1865
6Fil, Alkim Alper6309747TUR1859
7McDonnell Ryan, Lorcan2522233IRL1859
8O'Rourke, Emmet2521997IRL1844
9Buckley, Gerard2503239IRL1841
10Nelson, Jacob2520320IRL1830
11Waldron, John2516195IRL1828
12Liu, Jackie2519844IRL1820
13Novak, Vjekoslav14511584IRL1807
14Sinnott, Ollie2511444IRL1793
15Moull, Arthur2517426IRL1791
16Mullins, Niki2515598IRL1777
17Loughran, John2501562IRL1759
18Marshall, Roy2519178IRL1749
19Frost, Robert2519666IRL1748
20Baczkowski, Stefan2508290IRL1739
21Kelbas, Anastasiya14165619UKR1736
22Faustino Lawlor, Elias2517787IRL1736
23Braine, Harry2518570IRL1729
24Salin, Rohan2526018IRL1716