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Thomson Masters 2024

Last update 03.06.2024 19:34:42, Creator/Last Upload: Henry Williams

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Starting rank

1IMFitzsimons, David2501961IRL2327
2FMArtemenko, Oleg14201798UZB2246
3CMFlynn, Jacob2509393IRL2190
4FMDaly, Colm2500434IRL2181
5CMCollins, Adam2512300IRL2162
6WGMWafa, Shrook10609970EGY2153
7Murphy, Sean J.2512742IRL2063
8O`CuilleanĂ¡in, Oisin2514249IRL2060
9Ivanov, Andrey A.2514311IRL2001
10Liu, Jason2514656IRL1994
11Hogan, Pat2504839IRL1959
12CMMurchadha, Oissine2503603IRL1955
13Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Juan2251540ESP1914
14Scott, Luke2507986IRL1900
15Paibir, Atharva2512882IRL1875
16Sidney, Will2509539IRL1853
17Neary, Graham2502801IRL1841