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Perth Congress Minor 2024

Seinast dagført27.05.2024 19:33:55, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

Search for player Leita


1Prabhu, Aadith2410400SCO1394
2Prakash, Sumanth2411555SCO1334
3Smikle, Joshua7404751JAM1285
4McIntyre, Alastair2410796SCO1225
5Kovalevskij, Alan2414996SCO1207
6Polignano, Francesco2414040SCO1198
7Smith, Mark2405113SCO1107
8Wilson, Conor2415690SCO1104
9Sitkei, Jacint2413795SCO1038
10Boyle, Daniel2409160SCO1037
11Bhaduri, Atrasnu2415631SCO930
12Mclaughlin, Robert2415674SCO875
13Munshi, Anika2410982SCO811
14Bhaduri, Anjishnu2415640SCO784
15Walker, William2415707SCO731
16Lopez Henderson, Sandy2414880SCO436
17Ganesh, Krishiv2413035SCO385
18Gaikwad, Reina2413981SCO282
19Gaikwad, Netra2413973SCO216
20Abols, Janis11629606ENG0
21Buhari, Hamza2414910SCO0
22Hajjami, Yahya2521830IRL0
23Mogharrabi, Alireza2415607SCO0
24Wymer, Tom2415488SCO0