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2024 China chess championship (Women)

Last update 16.05.2024 06:43:00, Creator/Last Upload: Jun Xia

Starting rank list of players

7WGMLu, Miaoyi8618020CHN2437
3IMSong, Yuxin8614300CHN2380
9IMGuo, Qi8604002CHN2371
5WGMXiao, Yiyi8606161CHN2349
8WGMZhai, Mo8600201CHN2348
6FMChen, Yining8620946CHN2337
11WGMNi, Shiqun8608466CHN2324
1WIMYan, Tianqi8615250CHN2276
10Zhang, Xiao8610894CHN2257
12WGMLi, Xueyi8605912CHN2210
2Wang, Qinxuanyi8636060CHN2047
4Zhou, Yafei8627185CHN1836