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38th Edition

2024 Father Grimes National Schools Chess Championship - Secondary Girls

Last update 19.06.2024 12:22:24, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12St. Andrews Kaggwa Gombe A98102529223,5
21Gayaza High School C97112227210
33Wampeewo Ntake A97022123221
437St. Peters Naalya SS A96031824,5181
533St. Andrews Kaggwa Gombe B95221721198
612Kings College Buddo A95221720,5218
74Mount of Olives College95131623,5200
810Iganga SS A95131622202,5
917MaryHill High School A95131621213
107Caltec Academy95131619,5208
1114Kisubi High School94321521203
126Ndejje SS94231421,5186,5
135Makerere College School A94231421202
1439Trinity College Nabbingo A93511421189,5
1521Mengo SS B94231419,5193
1620Mengo SS A94231419205,5
1740Trinity College Nabbingo B94231418,5178
1815Lubiri SS94231418158,5
1913Kings College Buddo B94141319191
2018MaryHill High School B94141318,5174
2138St. Peters Naalya SS B94141318,5173,5
2222Mother Kevin College94141318177,5
2342Wanyange Girls93421317,5200
2423Mt. St. Mary's Namagunga A94141317183
2530Rafiki Foundation School94051218154,5
2632SpringField High School Matugga93241118,5177
2719MaryHill High School C92521117,5164,5
2824Mt. St. Mary's Namagunga B93241117,5150,5
2941Wampeewo Ntake B93241116,5186,5
3011Iganga SS B93241115,5191,5
3127Mustard Seed Masaka SS92431017166
3231Rubaga Girls SS93151015,5187
3326Mt. St. Mary's Namagunga D9234916,5166
3436St. Mary's College Lugazi9234914,5155,5
3534St. Mark's College Namagoma A9234914174,5
369Gayaza High School B9306913151
3735St. Mark's College Namagoma B9306912146
388Gayaza High School A9225815,5148
3925Mt. St. Mary's Namagunga C9216713137,5
4029Namasagali College9126511,5150,5
4116Makerere College School B910835137
4228Naalya SS Namugongo901816126,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents and own points)